Manage to Change關愛成長


因應學生學習的困難點分類分組,由個人至小組形式均備,旨在提升學習成效,改善人際關係。此外,校方亦同時推動校園關顧文化,讓全校師生一同共建和諧校園生活。而本校更善用津貼資源,積極籌辦各種 「課後課程」, 幫助學生解決學習上的困難和需要, 包括 「資優課程」、 「增潤課程」、 「調適課程」、「加強課程」及「基礎課程」,在放學後及周六進行。

Whole School Approach to Catering for Students’ Diverse Learning Needs

Students' diverse learning needs are to be addressed by providing courses for individuals and small groups. This aims at enhancing learning and strengthening interpersonal skills. A caring culture is promoted to enable teachers and students enjoy a harmonious school life. Our school strives to fully utilize resources by providing extra classes to help students’ consolidate their learning. For instance, enhancement and foundation classes are provided to elite and remedial students after school and on Saturdays.



Positive School Ethos

The Discipline and Guidance Committee set up rules and regulations to train students to be self-disciplined at all times. The Guidance Committee and school social workers further help students to have better understanding of themselves and to have positive values and world views.



Care on Growth and Development

Parents' Day and Orientation Camp are organized to help parents and students understand the school better and assist students to adapt themselves to the new learning environment. Parents' Day and Orientation Camp also help students to set their goals for the new school year, which begins earlier in the second half of August. Religious Day Camp is conducted for all S.1 students. The camp aims to introduce students to the faith and core values of Christianity. The school hopes to bring students into the love of God, which helps cultivate loving and supportive attitudes among students. A Parent's Night is held every year to enhance the communication and co-operation between parents and teachers, and construct a quality learning platform for the students.